A versão 1.1 do Vagrant foi lançada. A documentação que você está lendo é para o Vagrant 1.0.x. Leia mais sobre o Vagrant 1.1 no anúncio de lançamento. Acesse agora a documentação da versão 1.1.

Documentation for the Vagrant Experimental Series (1.x)

You're viewing the documentation for the experimental version of Vagrant (the 1.x series). The current stable series is 1.0.x and the documentation can be found here. You can learn more about the Vagrant versioning scheme here.


Fixes for some common problems are denoted on this page. If the suggestions on this page don’t work, try using Vagrant’s debug log or asking for support.

Mount error on v-root: /vagrant

When you start up your guest, you may get the following message unexpectedly:

[default] -- v-root: /vagrant
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!

mount -t vboxsf -o uid=`id -u vagrant`,gid=`id -g vagrant` v-root /vagrant

This is usually a result of the guest’s package manager upgrading the kernel without rebuilding the VirtualBox Guest Additions. To double-check that this is the issue, connect to the guest and issue the following command:

lsmod | grep vboxsf

If that command does not return any output, it means that the VirtualBox Guest Additions are not loaded. If the VirtualBox Guest Additions were previously installed on the machine, you will more than likely be able to rebuild them for the new kernel through the vboxadd initscript, like so:

sudo /etc/init.d/vboxadd setup

Networking Slowness

Networking slowness can be intermittent. There are some known issues with suspending the host computer causing problems. You should be able to fix that by halting the VM and re-starting it.

There are also several possible DNS culprits that you can fix:

internal resolution

In Ubuntu, for example, there are bugs with mdns. These can be resolved by disabling it. The most nuclear approach would be:

sudo apt-get remove libavahi-common3


You can try disabling ipv6 in your web browser and see if that helps.

web server resolution

The ruby web server webrick is the web server used by default for the development mode of Rails and also used by some other ruby projects. There is a webrick setting to fix dns lookup. Or you can use an alternative web server such as unicorn.