A versão 1.1 do Vagrant foi lançada. A documentação que você está lendo é para o Vagrant 1.0.x. Leia mais sobre o Vagrant 1.1 no anúncio de lançamento. Acesse agora a documentação da versão 1.1.

Documentation for the Vagrant Experimental Series (1.x)

You're viewing the documentation for the experimental version of Vagrant (the 1.x series). The current stable series is 1.0.x and the documentation can be found here. You can learn more about the Vagrant versioning scheme here.


Configuration key: config.vm.forward_port

This configuration directive is used to tell Vagrant to setup a forwarded port. Forwarded ports allow you to access ports within the virtual machine. This directive can be used multiple times within a Vagrantfile. The basic usage is:

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  # ...
  config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080

This tells Vagrant to configure the VirtualBox networking such that network traffic sent to port 8080 on the host machine will be delivered to port 80 on the guest machine.

As an optional 3rd parameter, you may pass an options hash. Currently accepted options are:

  • :adapter - This is the adpater number that the forwarded port definition should be attached to. Forwarded ports can only be attached to NAT devices.
  • :auto - If this is set to true then Vagrant will automatically try to change the host port if it finds it would collide with any other forwarded port. If this is false (default) then an error will be shown instead.
  • :protocol - This allows specifying the protocol that the forwarded port will use. The default protocol, if none is specified, is :tcp.