A versão 1.1 do Vagrant foi lançada. A documentação que você está lendo é para o Vagrant 1.0.x. Leia mais sobre o Vagrant 1.1 no anúncio de lançamento. Acesse agora a documentação da versão 1.1.

Documentation for the Vagrant Experimental Series (1.x)

You're viewing the documentation for the experimental version of Vagrant (the 1.x series). The current stable series is 1.0.x and the documentation can be found here. You can learn more about the Vagrant versioning scheme here.


Configuration key: config.vm.define

This is used to define a VM in a multi-VM environment. Please see the multi-VM documentation to learn more about multi-VMs. The rest of the documentation for this configuration directive will assume basic knowledge of this feature.

VMs are defined as follows:

Vagrant::Config.run do |config|
  config.vm.define :foo do |foo_config|
    # ...

Specifically, config.vm.define takes a single required parameter which is the name of the virtual machine. This only has to be some value that can be converted to a string. A block (callback in Ruby) must be given as well which is called to configure that VM. The parameter to the block is the same as any normal config object and will only apply to that VM. Additionally, the sub-VM will inherit any of the values set on the global config.

This configuration directive also takes an optional second parameter which is an options hash. Currently, the only recognized option is :primary. When this is set to true, Vagrant considers that virtual machine the primary virtual machine. When a command that typically requires a target VM such as vagrant up is called, the primary VM will be used if no target is given.