A versão 1.1 do Vagrant foi lançada. A documentação que você está lendo é para o Vagrant 1.0.x. Leia mais sobre o Vagrant 1.1 no anúncio de lançamento. Acesse agora a documentação da versão 1.1.

Documentation for the Vagrant Experimental Series (1.x)

You're viewing the documentation for the experimental version of Vagrant (the 1.x series). The current stable series is 1.0.x and the documentation can be found here. You can learn more about the Vagrant versioning scheme here.


Configuration key: config.vagrant.dotfile_name

Default value: ".vagrant"

Vagrant puts a “dotfile” into each Vagrant-managed working directory in order to keep track of some basic state of the virtual machine. By default, this is named “.vagrant” and is not meant to be checked into version control. You can control what the name of this file is using this configuration value.